The Coast of Chance (1913)

Flora Gilsey, a wealthy young lady with almost everything to have except a husband, was very much attached to Harry Crassy. The young people arc interested in the $20,000 reward offered for the return of the famous "Crews idol," which was a superb sapphire ring stolen at the auction sale of the Chatsworth Estate. At the reception that follows, Flora is introduced to a mysterious young man named Kerr. Kerr and Crassy meet and the young men seem to be each trying to identify the other as associated with some sort of mystery. Of course, there is a convenient orangery, where Flora and Harry retire, and he urges his suit. She declares that she will only accept a ring of absolute unique design. Another person to the quartette is Judge Buller, presumably much in love with Flora, who has secured a photograph of "Farrel Wand," a noted English crook, who is popularly supposed to have accomplished the theft of the sapphire. Harry takes his fiancée to a Chinese goldsmith and secures a beautiful sapphire ring of curious design, making her promise she will not wear it until it is reset. Judge Buller has quite a skirmish of wit with the new man, Kerr, who appears particularly anxious to get a glance at the picture of the crook. While he is there, Harry also comes on the same errand, but is diplomatically put off. Flora, forgetting her promise to Harry, cannot refrain from wearing the ring, and Kerr, who is her companion that evening, is very much excited when he observes it, and at once asks where she got it. She is well-nigh in hysterics when she is discovered later by Harry, who charges her with having worn the ring. She has a second fit of nervousness upon entering her room and finding her friend, Clara, looking over her things, with the evident desire of finding some jewel, but she withdraws unobserved, as she feels her chief secret is safe. Kerr, who is something of a hypnotist, makes love to Flora; she reveals to him the hiding place of the ring, but indicates that she should retain it. Clara, the friend of Flora, has secured the much-wanted photograph from the Judge, and is now haggling with Harry for a large sum of money to let him see it. As the result of this, he is very much agitated, tells Flora that their engagement is at an end, and demands the ring returned. Eventually, Clara shows Flora the photograph and it reveals the face of Harry Crassy, The upshot of it all is that Kerr is Sir Robert Chatsworth, the real owner of the ring, incognito, The cunning Chinaman has made a duplicate of the ring, and that is the ring that the graceless sharper takes from his fiancée. As her frail idol of love is shattered, she really finds that the man of her heart is Sir Robert Chatsworth.

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Summary Details
Running Time11 min
GenresDrama Short