The Snow-Burner (1915)

"Hell Camp" Rievers, boss of a logging camp is rejected by Helen Pearson. Later he finds that she is desperately in need of a position, through the illness of her father, he tricks her into taking a place as bookkeeper at the camp. Rievers, an unscrupulous character, plots to get her into his power. "Toppy" Treplin, a wealthy young man, slightly dissipated, arrives at the camp at the same time as Miss Pearson. He at once divines Rievers' intention, and decides to stay and protect her. He takes a job as a blacksmith's helper. "Tilly," a half-breed, whom Rievers has wronged and now has ordered from the camp, tells Treplin that Rievers is planning harm to Miss Pearson after she, the Indian girl, is out of the way. "Toppy" faces Rievers and the two men have a terrific battle in which "Toppy" is victor. Rievers later goes to Miss Pearson's quarters, where "Toppy" follows him. Rievers surprises "Toppy" and seizes him by the throat. He is choking the life out of him when Helen shoots him in the arm. The loggers, who admire and respect "Toppy" and hate Rievers, are aroused to madness. They pursue Rievers, who takes refuge in a cave and stands at bay with his revolver. One of the workmen hurls a stick of dynamite into the cave blowing the rock to pieces. "Toppy" tells Miss Pearson he is going to buy the camp and asks her to stay as his wife. She consents.

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