The Race (1913)

Edwin Harmon, a contractor engaged to build an aqueduct in California, is greatly worried by lack of money to pay his men, who threaten to strike. His contract must be filled by a given time or he will be ruined. He goes to banker Charles Wayburn and obtains a promise of a loan to tide him over his difficulties. The same evening he goes to the home of Virginie Barker, with whom he is in love, and meets Wayburn there. Wayburn, finding that Harmon is his rival, determines to refuse the loan and so bring him to ruin. He tells Virginie that her lover is helpless unless he, Wayburn, advances him money. Virginie at once goes to Harmon and tells him of Wayburn's threat to withhold the loan. As Harmon is about to set out for the works to tell the men of his inability to get the money, he receives a note from an old friend, asking him to drive his racing car in the automobile race on the morrow. Harmon was formerly one of the racing drivers on the Pacific Coast and is sure that he can win the race. He goes to the works and succeeds in persuading the men to wait for the result, knowing that it will win him enough to pay them. Wayburn bribes Thomson, Harmon's mechanic, to "throw up" the race. Thomson, as the car passes the grandstand, pretends to faint and the car is obliged to stop. Virginie, who realizes that without a mechanic Harmon cannot win, gets into the car and takes the man's place to the end of the run, which is a terrific one. Harmon wins the race and drives right out to the aqueduct where he tells the men that he now has the money and informs them of his coming marriage to Virginie.

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GenresDrama Short