The Little Pirate (1913)

The Westons live near the seashore. Bobby is a great favorite with his grandfather. After the old man reads a pirate story to the boy, Bobby dresses as a pirate, and with wooden sword, black mask, etc., asks grandpa to play pirate with him. They go down to the beach. They get into a boat and have great fun. After a time, they both fall asleep. The boat, having become unfastened, drifts out with the tide. The father of the boy becomes alarmed at their long absence and goes out in search of them. He finds Bobby's hat washed up by the breakers. The boat is missed and the father goes to Capt. Burton, who owns a motorboat, and they set out to find the missing couple. Meantime, Bobby and Grandpa have landed on an island, which the boy calls his treasure island. The old man sees, to his dismay, that the boat has drifted away and that the tide is coming in fast. He lifts the boy high in his arms with the help of a plank. Mr. Weston and Burton are speeding fast in the motorboat. Finally they sight the rowboat. It is empty. They are in despair. The tide is rising all around grandpa. He decides to tie Bobby to a plank, so that he may he saved. When all hope is gone, he pushes him out to sea. The motorboat sees the child and he is picked up. He urges them so save grandpa and they arrive just in time. The boy is carried to his frantic mother. That night grandpa tells Bobby, "We'll cut out this pirate business after this."

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
George Hennessy Writer
Jack Pratt
Edgena De Lespine
Bruce Macomber
Henry Kean