Laddie (1914)

The great tragedy in a mother's life is when her children grow up and leave her. When her son, John, left her to go to the city, Mrs. Carter was utterly heartbroken for a time. But, because there was no help for it, she was philosophical, and if she grew any sadder as the years went by, her sorrow did not show in her patient old face. When fifteen years had passed since "Laddie's" departure, Mrs. Carter learned that she must give up her home, on account of a railroad which needed the property for its right of way. Naturally enough, her first thoughts turned to "Laddie." She decided to go to him in the city and surprise him. Mrs. Carter arrived at "Laddie's" house late one evening. She was surprised at its prosperous appearance. Laddie's infrequent letters had not made her realize that her son had become a rich and successful physician. At the door, she told the maid to inform Dr. Carter that a poor woman from the country wished to see him. Laddie, with some impatience, consented to see her, and the mother, with a glad cry, flew into his arms. Laddie was glad to see her, of course, but the poor mother soon felt that something was lacking. When the realization finally dawned upon her that Laddie was ashamed of her, it nearly broke her heart. But because she was too proud to stay where she was not wanted, Mrs. Carter crept silently away from the house after nightfall. After a few experiences with the seamy side of city life, she was taken care of by two kindly people who were only too glad to do the lonely old woman a good turn. When Laddie realized that his own coldness had driven his mother away, his remorse was terrible. Every effort he made to find her, however, was in vain for more than a year. Then one morning, on his regular call to the hospital, he discovered her in one of the wards, dying. It was too late for the broken-hearted man to do anything else than tell the frail old woman that it had all been a terrible mistake, but even that poor consolation was enough to bring a smile to the dying lips, and a last stir of joy to the mother heart at the thought that she had really been loved after all.

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GenresDrama Short