Is He Eligible? (1912)

A wealthy merchant gives his son, Charles Reed, the junior partnership of his well-established business as a birthday gift, and at the same time advises the young man to marry and settle down. Young Reed decides to comply with his father's request. At a ball one evening he becomes very attentive to a fashionable young lady who introduces him to her mother, Mrs. Jenkins. Subsequently he calls on the young lady with a view to matrimony. He finds her father most agreeable, but would-be society leader Mrs. Jenkins proves to be a stumbling block. Accordingly she secures the services of the Blinkerton Private Detective Agency, where a female detective is detailed to present herself at young Reed's private office in the guise of a stenographer and secure a position. She proves herself proficient as well as charming and winsome and soon gains the ardent admiration of young Reed, who falls desperately in love with her. At last Mrs. Jenkins receives the long-looked-for report on the young man's character, which she considers quite satisfactory. She now condescends to write young Reed a letter, urging him to call, but too late, for pending her investigation he has proposed and been accepted by the other girl. Shortly after, he is met by Jenkins himself, who drags him into the house, where, to his amazement he meets his fiancée, who is attempting to collect $300 for services rendered. It now comes to light that young Reed and the female detective are engaged to be married, to the utter dismay of Mrs. Jenkins and her daughter.

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GenresComedy Short