In the King's Service (1915)

Rupert returns to his Canadian home after five years, an officer of the Royal Mounted Police, under orders to capture some illicit distillers. Jacques, an invalid, being unable to make farming pay, has, unknown to his sister, Philomel, been induced by Antoine, a suitor for the hand of Philomel, to join him in the illicit whiskey traffic. Philomel learns that Jacques has joined Antoine in the illicit whiskey traffic, and though she and Rupert love each other, she, hoping to save her brother, refuses to become engaged to Rupert unless he will consent to be a traitor to his trust. Rupert refuses, and Philomel dismisses him. Antoine reports Rupert's presence and errand to the lawbreakers and they endeavor to shoot Rupert. Antoine learns that Philomel has written Rupert to come to her. He imprisons Philomel in the cellar of her home, catches Rupert off his guard when he calls on Philomel, and tells him that Philomel's letter was a trick to betray him. There is a terrific hand-to-hand struggle in the house between Rupert and Antoine, but the latter finally makes his escape and flees to the illicit still. There he barricades the door, and with other illicit distillers endeavors to stand off Rupert and Jacques, who, seeing the error of his way, has joined the policeman in an endeavor to make reparation. Finally the marksmanship of Rupert and Jacques is too much for the moonshiners, and a well-directed shot ends the life of Antoine. Philomel frees herself with the aid of a servant. She confesses to Rupert that she had been in the wrong, and they are reunited. Jacques proves to Rupert that he has never sold any of the illicit liquor, and that his reformation is complete.

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GenresDrama Short