The Two Brothers (1913)

Pasquale and Romaine are twin brothers. Romaine joins the Mexican Army and proves himself efficient and fearless in the service of his country; he is promoted to a commission and stands high in his superiors' estimation. Pasquale is a worthless ne'er-do-well, an outcast, and a wanderer, and his father will not permit him to remain at home. He comes back and his mother sees him and fears that his father will catch him and throw him out again. In fear and trembling she feeds him, gives him money, and implores him to leave before his father returns. She sees his father coming and tells Pasquale to escape. He flees to the garret, but his father sees evidence that he was there and abuses his wife for permitting their disresputable son to enter their abode. The mother tries to defend him, and the father angrily attempts to strike her. Romaine enters and throws his father aside: they draw daggers. The mother takes Romaine's dagger from his hand and drops it upon the floor. Romaine then departs to the barracks, his father watching him from the window. Pasquale, thinking his father has gone, descends from the attic and picks up Romaine's dagger. His father throws him outdoors. He wanders about and at nightfall meets his father, attacks him, and stabs him to death with Romaine's dagger. Anita, Romaine's sweetheart, happens along at this moment and sees Pasquale crouching over the form of the dead man. She notifies the officers at the barracks and they immediately go to investigate. In the meantime, Romaine discovers his father's dead body and is mournfully leaning over it when the officers come and arrest him. He is tried for murder, found guilty, and sentenced to be shot. Meanwhile, Pasquale goes out into the open country, but his conscience will not rest and he returns on the day of Romaine's execution. He makes his way to the barracks and looks with horror upon his brother's dead body. He kneels in prayer, asking forgiveness for his sin. Anita enters and at once recognizes him as his father's murderer. She stealthily withdraws and awaits him. As he is leaving the barracks, she kills him, avenging her lover's death.

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
Rollin S. Sturgeon Director
George Stanley
Mary Charleson
Charles Bennett
Anne Schaefer