A Lesson in Romance (1915)

Richard Walton, a wealthy society man, disgusted with the schemes of every marriageable woman to get him into their net because of his wealth and social standing, flees from the city. He goes to the home of his friend, Sidney Wright, who has a beautiful sister, Emily. She, however, is romantic and has no use for social lions. She leaves a note for her mother saying she prefers gypsies to society men and goes to her aunt. When Walton discovers she is running away from him. He thinks she must be the girl for him and pursues. He kidnaps her and takes her to a gypsy camp, where he poses as the chief of the gypsies. After her first anger she falls in with the spirit of adventure and, dressing in gypsy costume, tells fortunes. Finally she tires of it and the climax comes when two women accuse her of stealing a watch. Walton knocks the sheriff down, confiscates an auto and takes the girl home. She has learned to love him, but does not want to marry a gypsy after all. Great is Emily's surprise on entering the reception room that evening to find her gypsy in conventional clothes. She finally becomes his wife.

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GenresDrama Short