The Good in Him (1915)

Poncho is an outlaw with a price on his head. Hotly pursued by the sheriff and a posse, he dodges into a ranch yard where all the men are absent, leaving a girl alone in the house. At the point of a gun the desperate fugitive compels her to secret him in the house and send the pursuers on a false trail. But Poncho is badly wounded and no sooner has the girl sent the posse away at his command than the reaction sets in after the excitement. He collapses and the girl finds him at her mercy. Woman's pity is stronger than her resentment, and instead of binding him and holding him captive she ministers to him, afterwards permitting him to go his way to safety. He knows no way to express his gratitude except by offering her money which she declines. A little time passes and cattle rustlers, who move into the vicinity, make trouble for the ranchers. The girl's father, making a trip on foot over his ranch, falls in with a trio of these marauders and they make him a prisoner, intending to hold him for ransom. The girl and her sweetheart, gathering flowers among the foothills, discover the father's predicament. Help is a considerable distance off, so the lover, telling the girl to remain where she is and where she will be safe, hurries for assistance. Seeing that his captors are taking her father out of her sight, the girl disregards instructions and cautiously follows. From a distance she sees her father taken into the cattle rustlers' camp and bound. Meanwhile, one of the rustlers, returning to camp, discovers and captures her. She also is taken into camp and her position is terrifying when she discovers the nature of her captors. Poncho, keeping well back in the hills to avoid his enemies, stumbles upon the camp just at this time and discovers the girl's situation. Cautiously creeping through the surrounding underbrush he releases her and starts to take her to safety. She pleads with him also to rescue her father, but his attempt results in his discovery. Telling the girl to run for her life, he remains behind, one man against fifty, to cover her flight. He succeeds, but at the cost of his life, for when help comes at last the rescue party finds that the odds are too heavy.

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GenresDrama Short