The Girl from the Country (1912)

Nellie is preparing herself for a stenographer's position by diligent study in her hometown. As her proficiency increases she begins to hear the call of the city, and when old school chum Jennie comes home from the city on a visit, she learns that securing a position in the city is easy and her mother allows her to go back to the city with Jennie. Nellie's sweetheart Tom, a pigeon farmer, realizes that Jennie is not the kind of girl she was before she left town, but doesn't mention it even when Nellie refuses to marry him. He believes in Nellie and her ability to stand the test of the crucible. He is willing to wait. Nellie's slender purse permits of only a hall room on the top floor of a typical city rooming-house. One night, having accepted an invitation to supper with two of Jennie's men friends she realizes the truth and understands Jennie's easy life. The horror of it appalls her and she flees to the little hall room to think. She has lost her position because of the unwelcome attentions of her employer. Her funds are getting low and the future is dark. Meanwhile, no word from Nellie has reached home for some time; fearing that she is in trouble, Tom has sent out his favorite homing pigeon. It arrives in the darkest hour of Nellie's trials. Dear old Tom. She understands that Swiftwing is intended as her messenger to him if she needs help. A moment decides her and Swiftwing takes the air with a bit of ribbon as her message to Tom. Tom's timely arrival stops Nellie from being thrown out by a brutal landlord.

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GenresDrama Short