The Furnace Man (1915)

Begrimed and with clothes awry, John Dayton, a young society man, after hours of labor, leaves his stalled automobile in front of a furnace man's basement shop. He leaves to get aid from a garage, taking with him the furnace man's card. John rescues Marjory Gordon's dog. She thanks him and promises a reward for his service. John, carried away by her charm, impulsively thrusts the furnace man's card in her hand. Marjory, thinking John a real furnace man, sends for him to repair the trouble in her home. John seizes the opportunity and persuades the furnace man to let him undertake the job. In the Gordon home John is treated as befits his assumed position. He performs his duties with a will. At a tea the drawing-room becomes so hot that Marjory orders John to adjust the register. John is stared at by all the guests. He sees a fellow paying ardent attention to Marjory, and in revenge manipulates the furnace so that dense smoke pours through the register. The guests are driven out and the party broken up. Marjory indignantly discharges John, and John, mocking her anger, kisses her. Before leaving, John gets an inkling of the grave business troubles harassing Marjory's father, and he deliberately proposes himself as Gordon's business partner and son-in-law, declaring his identity and confessing the deception. But Gordon will not barter his daughter. Marjory, in John's presence, demands that her father put John out of the house. John is discharged, with a knowing wink, and Marjory bursts into tears of chagrin. At night, immaculately dressed, John, the erstwhile furnace man, comes to dine with Gordon and Marjory. The girl's perplexed gaze suddenly turns to joy, and very quickly she decides that John will be partner to both herself and her father.

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GenresComedy Short