The First Stone (1915)

The Rev. Arthur Johnson has one son, Ernest, who has chummed up with a fast set. His father disowns him and drives him from home for his disgraceful behavior. Mary Carr has been deceived and deserted and previous to her child being born was taken into a "home." Five years later she has become a great favorite and the Rev. Arthur, who is a patron of the home, recommends her as housekeeper to his friend Steel, a widower with one child, Bobby. Steel gradually falls in love with the quiet little motherly woman, who takes such care of his home and little son. Mary reciprocates, but cannot make up her mind to tell him of her past. The Rev. Arthur discovers the growing affection and tells her she must leave before the damage is done, as Steel would never forgive her if he knew her past. Mary slips away with her little daughter at night, leaving a note asking Steel to forgive her for her seeming ingratitude. The Rev. Arthur is called to the death of his erring son, though before he dies confesses that he has married the girl six years before, but growing tired of her had deserted her and told her their marriage was only a fake. He gives his father a photo and asks him to find her and tell her the truth. On looking at the photo he recognizes it as that of Mary Carr. He hurries back to Steel to find that Mary has disappeared. They find her and everything is explained, and Steel and Mary are made happy in their new relationship.

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GenresDrama Short