Feel My Muscle (1915)

Will Denver and his wife, Mary, fail as a vaudeville turn in which he does acrobatic work and she "assists." Desperate, he takes his wife's clothes and wig and applies for an advertised job as lady physical instructor of a woman's gym. He makes an instant hit and nobody suspects. One of the girls, Jane, has a sweetheart, Harry, who immediately falls in love with the new instructor and a quarrel between them follows. Jane scorns Harry now, and he turns to the physical instructor in his new infatuation. Will is horrified but has to go on playing his part. Nights, to get a little manly freedom, he dons men's clothes and a mustache and walks out. On one occasion he finds Harry trying to make up with Jane and she tells him he is insulting her. Seeing a chance to square matters he offers his services. They do not recognize him and when Harry gets peevish at the intrusion, Will knocks him down and escorts Jane away. Jane becomes infatuated with her rescuer, and Will finds himself sought after both as a man and a woman. In the midst of the tangle he gets a telegram from his wife that she is coming on. That night, as himself, but with mustache, he goes to meet her. He meets Jane and has to escort her home, pleading further attention impossible that evening because of a date. He rushes to the station and finds his wife and children waiting and anxious. As they start back to his rooms he tells his wife of his many troubles and she laughs over them. On the corner he gives her the key so that she can go ahead and he will climb through the window. Unfortunately, Harry sees him climbing through the window and at once is angry. His first thought is to follow and thrash the man, but on second thoughts, as the man is now Jane's escort, he will bring her along and have a double triumph. Jane won't believe his story, but finally agrees to go with him. They arrive at Will's place and enter the hallway. Through a keyhole Will sees them and frantically hides his wife and kids in the bedroom. Will tells them there is none. In trying to get past Will to the bedroom, Harry knocks off Will's wig. Consternation and explanations follow. Harry gets back his sweetheart and Will is saved by a new job.

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GenresComedy Short