The Decision (1915)

Ida Price has been cheated out of her share in her father's estate by her cousin Charles. She places the case in the hands of Judge Clark. Meanwhile, a strange young man, Robert Graham comes to study law with the Judge and though Ida is not very well satisfied with Clark, because she is attracted to his new assistant, she allows him to appeal the case to a higher court. Cousin Charles tries in vain to compromise with her. The last day to file the papers arrives and the Judge starts to the courthouse. Meeting Charles, he accepts his invitation to drop into the club and have a drink. Ida's cousin does his best to get the Judge tipsy, and believes he has succeeded. Really he only delays Clark about ten minutes, who enters the waiting courtroom smiling and debonair. The appeal is granted. In the supreme court the former decision is reversed. Ida receives her fair share of the property, and incidentally a husband who is Robert Graham.

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GenresDrama Short