Doctor Smith's Baby (1914)

Two young doctors, Henry and Harold Smith, strangers to each other, have apartments in the same building. Harold invites some of his bachelor friends to a party and while they are playing cards, the doorbell rings. He goes to the door and is handed a basket and a note by a stupid-looking servant. The note, which is addressed to "Dr. Smith," is signed "Your loving wife," and asks him to "care for the CHILD while she is visiting mother," adding, "Uncle is in Bermuda, so there is no danger of discovery." In the basket a healthy youngster of about two years is found. His friends chaff Harold about the affair terribly, but are finally convinced he knows nothing about it. The boys then try to entertain the child, whom they name "Teddy." They gorge him with cake to stop his crying and all take part in the ceremony of putting him to bed. "Teddy" has had entirely too much cake, and as a consequence, Harold has an awful night with him. Next day, Harold's wealthy aunt arrives with his sister. Aunty cannot understand the child's presence, and tells him he must send it to a Foundling Home, but Harold and his friends resolve to stick by "Teddy." Fortunately, Mrs. Henry Smith, the baby's mother, arrives and claims it, explaining the servant came to the wrong Mr. Smith's apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith had kept their marriage a secret because a rich old uncle objected to the match, which explains the mysterious note, but they receive word of his death, making Henry his heir, so everything is cleared up to Aunty's and everybody else's satisfaction. Harold and his friends enjoy many a hearty laugh as they think of the comical predicament in which "Dr. Smith" found himself.

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GenresComedy Short