The White Feather (1913)

Through an accident in his youth, Grant Whitney is inwardly a coward, though he has outwardly kept this a secret from everyone, including his fiancée, Western girl Alice Lee. Grant goes to visit Alice in her Western home, and on the first morning of his visit, a horseback ride is suggested. Steve, Mr. Lee's foreman, in love with Alice, is somewhat prejudiced against this "tenderfoot" from New York, and gives him a poorly-broken horse. Grant, losing control of the horse, is flung to the ground and though only slightly shocked, is overpowered with the memory of the accident of his youth and faints away. He is taken to his room and put upon his bed. Alice being sent away on an errand, sends him a note with some flowers enclosed, saying, "Just a token of my love." She puts it under his door and goes away. Sometime later, Steve comes upstairs and sees and reads the note. He replaces the flowers with a white feather, which decidedly changes her message's meaning. When Grant finds the note, his anger is aroused and he is inspired with courage. He marches out to the corral, takes the same horse that had thrown him earlier, and rides far out into the hills to conquer his fear. Moved to admiration of his rival's determination and stricken with remorse, Steve rides out to help the meaning of her message. Grant, finding the note, is affected in a different way from what Steve had expected. It arouses his anger and inspires him with courage. Out into the corral he goes, and taking the same horse which had thrown him in the morning, rides out far into the hills to help him. All night he pursues Grant but cannot find him. The next morning, Grant returns to the ranch to find Steve; he has a broken leg and is lying under his horse, which had fallen dead. The two return together, good friends. They are met by Alice, who hails Grant as her brave and fearless hero.

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GenresDrama Short