When Conscience Calls (1914)

Hilary and his wife, Edith, are in well-to-do circumstances, but they deprive themselves of pleasures to get together a bank account that will enable them to purchase a little ranch bungalow they have pictured. Hilary meets an old friend, Fred Miller, a successful and rich businessman. He wins Hilary's envy with tales of his moneymaking and success. Hilary's faith in him is boundless and in an impulsive moment tells of his savings and future hopes. Miller smothers his quick interest, makes much of Hilary, who invites him home to dinner. There Miller meets and becomes infatuated with Edith. He tells of a stock promotion in which they can secure quick and splendid returns. Edith wants to hold back awhile, hut Hilary wins her over and the next day pays over his hard-earned savings and takes the gold-edged certificates in return. A week later Miller goes into bankruptcy. The news is heart-breaking, but Edith's sympathy and resignation relieves Hilary for the moment. Later it begins to rankle and he goes to Miller's house one night. Through the window he sees Miller open a secret compartment in his desk and take out bundles of money. He enters by way of the window and facing Miller demands what is his. Miller laughs at him, there is a fight and Miller hits the floor. Hilary, thinking he has killed him, hurriedly counts out the amount of money Miller took from him and hastens home. He tells Edith he has killed Miller and gives her the money to hide. They escape to the Everglades. Miller regains consciousness, replaces the balance of the money and sends for the police. They take up the trail, after searching Hilary's home, and for days Hilary is hunted like a wild beast in the Everglade jungle. Edith and the house are watched night and day until she can stand it no longer and. taking the money, goes to see Miller. She asks him if he will give up the search if the money is returned. He bluffs her until she shows the money, then forcibly takes it from her. She begs him to let Hilary go free, now that he has the money, and he, in answer, tells her he has wanted her for a long while, and makes her the final price. Horrified, she flees after a struggle and goes home. Hilary meanwhile has been stricken with fever and is calling for his wife in his delirium. Edith has a vision of Hilary calling and in the depth of night she goes in search of him. She is followed, however, and when ultimately her instinct leads her to her husband the detective comes up. She fights him desperately, but is finally subdued and after reviving Hilary they leave the jungle. Miller is stricken with an illness which the doctors tell him is mortal and when Hilary, a few days later, is brought before him for identification, Miller emphatically declares Hilary is innocent and that he was mistaken. The police do not want to believe him, but there is nothing to be done and he is released. Miller makes restitution to Hilary and the other creditors, and gets well. Later we see him visiting Hilary and Edith on their little ranch where he is readily forgiven.

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GenresDrama Short