The Closing of the Circuit (1915)

Brought up by his father in total ignorance of his blindness and the fact that other people can see with their eyes, while he sees only with his ten fingers and that wonderful inner consciousness of the nearness of objects which the blind possess. Paul's awakening to a knowledge of his infirmity causes him the keener anguish. It develops through a meeting with Mary, a young girl neighbor, who, with the ruthlessness of youth, convinces the boy he is blind. Filled with pity for his helplessness, she kisses Paul tenderly. The memory of Mary and the kiss remains with him, and he one day climbs the garden wall and trudges forth alone, to find her. Strangers understand little the boy says, except the words, "ship" and "Mary." They accordingly guide him to where the sailing ship, "The Mary Croft," is docked, supposing the lad has wandered away from the boat. Stumbling aboard, Paul falls into an open hatchway onto the "tween deck" below and is not discovered until the vessel sails. Then he learns why the "Mary Croft" is noted among sailors as a "man-killer." The rough crew in the fo'c'stle come to believe the boy is faking blindness because of his wonderful ability to move about, and his life is made miserable. During a terrific storm Paul, with several others, is sent aloft to the very top of the mainmast, and while there the "Mary Croft" is struck by lightning. Clinging to the swaying yard-arm, the boy finds, to his utter bewilderment, that he can see with his eyes. The lightning stroke has jarred the optic nerve into life. The mast, weakened by the fire, is snapped off by the tremendous force of the wind and flung into the sea. Paul manages to regain hold of the spar and is later picked up by the "Franklyn," on which are his father and Mary. The meeting between the boy and girl is touching in the extreme, for he finds, as he gazes at her in reverent adoration, that she is even more beautiful than he had supposed.

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GenresDrama Short