Down Jayville Way (1912)

Tom and Jerry, two country boys, are in love with pretty Tilly King, a farmer's daughter. Tom and Jerry are bitter rivals and almost come to blows whenever the fair Tilly is nigh. Tilly cannot decide whom she loves best, takes the matter to her father and asks him to sit in judgment on the difficulty. Farmer King is puzzled and finally agrees to let the best man have her. Taking Tom and Jerry out to the barn-yard he inaugurates a target contest, but both boys are equally good at shooting bottles from the fence. A standing jump is now tried and both leap exactly the same distance. King is stumped, until he thinks of having a race for the marriage license. The one who brings back a parson first gets Tilly. Away go Tom and Jerry and after a tough struggle, both reach the parson at the same moment and both bring him to the farmhouse. Again old King is stumped, introduces the minister to Tilly and the holy man instantly becomes smitten with her charms. Leaving Tom and Jerry waiting a decision, the minister takes the family into the adjoining room, pours out his love for Tilly and asks for her hand in marriage. The old people are delighted, readily give their consent and the young people leave by the back way to procure the license. It is not until Tom and Jerry see them driving off down the road that they realize they are badly stung and bury their animosity forever. Later they meet their old girls, and, after much difficulty, make up and a double wedding looms brightly on the horizon.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Short
Harry Cashman
Lily Branscombe
Helen Dunbar
Howard Missimer