From Out of the Big Snows (1915)

Harris, a young adventurer into the big snows of the Northwest, through an accident, becomes a great friend of Dr. Brandon, who warns him against his fascination for Marie, woman of the dance hall. He tells him of Jean, her half-breed lover, and that he is a bad man. Harris disregards this and Jean, returning from a trapping expedition, finds Marie in his arms. Concealing his hatred, he contrives a fiendish plan, and in pursuance of this, wins the friendship of Harris. They go on a hunting expedition together and in the dense forest, Jean overpowers his unsuspecting victim and ties him to a tree, leaving him there to be devoured by the wolves. Brandon becomes worried over his friend and after a long search finds Harris, just in time to save his life. After recovering from his experience, Harris goes looking for Jean, prepared to shoot on sight. They meet and Harris kills him. Dr. Brandon hides him from the Mounted Police, then sees him safely over the boundary line.

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Summary Details
Running Time30 min
GenresAdventure Short