The Whispered Word (1913)

Out of work and money, Jim Dexter becomes discouraged and desperate. Concealing his intentions from his wife, who is lying sick in bed, Dexter makes a mask, goes out, and robs a stagecoach. By a roundabout way, he gets back into town before the stage arrives there. The news of the robbery reaches the hamlet and Jim is one of the first to ride away with the sheriff in pursuit of the robber. The posse returns to the saloon empty-handed. Jim is invited to take a hand in a game of cards. In pulling his money from his pocket, he accidentally pulls out the mask he used in the hold-up, and it falls upon the table. The sheriff and his men see it, ,but before they can act, Dexter is on his feet with ready revolver, covering the crowd as he backs slowly to the door. The doctor, who has been attending Jim's wife, enters the saloon; seeing the situation, he whispers a few significant words to Dexter, who lowers his gun and stands with bowed head. The sheriff quickly draws his gun and commands Jim to surrender. The doctor steps to the sheriff and whispers in his ear and the sheriff starts, glances at the doctor, lowers his revolver and whispers something to the men at the table. They sink back into their chairs and look at one another meaningfully. The sheriff then addresses a few words to Dexter, who advances and tosses his revolver upon the table, placing his plunder beside it, and with bowed head, turns and walks from the saloon back to his shack, where he is met at the door by an old lady of the town, who whispers something to him. Dexter enters his home and kneels beside his wife and bows his head on the bed. She smooths his hair, and as he lifts his head, she turns down the blankets and he looks upon the face of his firstborn.

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GenresDrama Short