Springing a Surprise (1912)

Young Billy Borman has an old uncle who has turned him out of the house when he foolishly takes unto himself a lovely wife. A year later Billy and Wifie have a bouncing baby boy and Billy writes Uncle Missimer begging him to relent and take them back into the fold. Uncle writes hack saying he can never return until be rids himself of everything that "wears a skirt." Billy now hits upon two schemes to bring uncle to terms. He inserts an ad in the paper, signed with Missimer's name, saying a rich bachelor wants a wife to share his fortune and affections. Then he takes his baby, leaves it on uncle's doorstep, rings the bell and skips. Knowing nothing of the baby's real identity, Missimer is in despair, inserts an ad in the paper and offers $25 reward to anyone who will adopt it. Next morning he is besieged by an army of women who have come in answer to the ad Billy put in the paper. Uncle thinks they wish to take the baby, and has a terrible time in the mix-up that follows. However, one pretty girl strikes Missimer's fancy; he manages to get rid of the rest, then is making violent love to her when Billy rushes in and demands to know what uncle means by making love to his wife! Missimer is dumbfounded, but is knocked out entirely when Billy and wife explain that the baby is their own. Uncle is soon won over, takes the crowing tot in his arms with delight, while Billy and his wife rejoice at the happy outcome of their plan.

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GenresComedy Romance Short