For Old Time's Sake (1914)

The outlaw shoots up the saloon and kills a man. He escapes into the hills. The sheriff and a posse ride out after him. The miner has left his little shack and started for the town when he stumbles at the edge of a cliff, falls and is terribly wounded. Unconscious, he lies in the blistering sun. The outlaw, having eluded the posse, finds the miner's body and some instinct makes him dismount to aid the stranger. Thinking himself free of pursuit, the outlaw carries the miner to the little shack. Here he proceeds to make him as comfortable as possible. The sheriff comes to the cabin. The outlaw is cornered and gives up, telling the sheriff how he rescued the miner. The latter decides to leave the outlaw with the doctor. Then the outlaw discovers that the unconscious miner is an old college friend. He does everything possible for him and goes out for water. The sheriff comes back with the doctor. Not finding the outlaw, the sheriff thinks he has broken his promise to remain. The outlaw brings in the bucket. As the picture ends the outlaw, not wishing his friend to know the truth, says, "The sheriff and I have to take a prisoner back to jail."

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GenresShort Western
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