Jean of the Jail (1912)

It was the boast of Pedro, the enfeebled old jailer, that in his many years of service he had never lost a prisoner. His success was in a large measure due to the co-operation of his daughter, Jean. Jose, a dashing young Spaniard, who was in love with Jean, sought her hand, but the young woman coquettishly postponed her answer from day to day. At length there came to the jail a party headed by the Alcalde, which had as a prisoner Garcia, a noted bandit. He was placed within a cell and, as usual, Pedro announced that he would be kept securely until the time of trial. The old jailer did not seem to understand that the years were pressing down upon him and shortly after the arrival of the bandit, the old man was stricken with an attack of sickness. Jean ministered to him faithfully. Neither saw the approach of Luisa, a Spanish girl and confederate of Garcia, who crept to the prisoner's window and passed him a file, with which he penetrated the bars and effected an escape. Hearing a commotion, Jean rushed to the cell just in time to see the couple escaping on the one horse, and a misdirected shot from her pistol brought Luisa to the ground. The bandit, assuring himself that his companion was dead, took to the hills. Soon the Alcalde would arrive and take the prisoner, and Jean was almost overcome with apprehension. She told Jose that here was a chance to demonstrate his worth. If he would capture the outlaw, she would give him her hand. With such an incentive, Jose followed the fleeing Spaniard over crag and torrent. Through the rough country sped pursued and pursuer. Abandoning his horse, Garcia climbed a cliff but Jose, close at his heels, overcame him and after a desperate struggle, brought the prisoner back to the jail. Meanwhile the Alcalde had arrived and was censuring the fast-falling Pedro for his inefficiency. Jean, having confidence in her lover, plead for time and at last Jose arrived with his captive. But the shock had been too much for the old jailer and his years of service were at an end. As the prisoner was conducted from the room, Jean and Jose knelt at the bedside and offered a prayer that their lives might be as honorable.

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Romance Short
George Melford Director
Carlyle Blackwell
Alice Joyce
Knute Rahm
William H. West