His First Long Trousers (1911)

Jimmy Graham has reached the age of sports and feels quite able to support the added dignity of long trousers. He saves up his pennies and makes his purchase. He is under the impression that the pair which he has been induced to buy, through the efforts of a Jewish salesman, is too long, but the salesman assures him this is a good fault, as he is a growing boy. Proudly he marches home and exhibits his advent from Knickerbockers. His father laughs long and loudly, and finally tells the boy that the trousers are too long. He asks his mother, and sister and even Nora, the cook, if they won't cut off a little the ends of each leg in order to reduce them to the proper length, but each is too busy to be bothered. Downcast, he climbs to his room, and deciding to do the job himself, he does so, with the aid of a jack knife. Then he gets into bed and is soon asleep. Later his mother, feeling sorry for the boy, goes to his room and removes a length from the trousers. Then sister and Nora each quietly and unknown to the other, go to Jimmy's room and repeat the cutting process. And last of all Father Graham does his share of supposed good work. In the morning Jimmy views the result with tear-dimmed eyes and swears vengeance on "such a family."

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Short
Colin Campbell Director
William Nicholas Selig Producer
Frank Weed
Winifred Greenwood
Adrienne Kroell
Lillian Leighton