Through Fire and Smoke (1911)

Tom, the handsome fireman, and Betty, the factory girl, are keeping company. En route to work one morning, Betty meets the manager of her department, and they proceed to the factory together. Betty is pleased by the attention of her manager. When Herbert and Betty reach their department, he lingers beside her machine a moment, and as he leaves he brushes against the freshly painted trash can, which leaves a trace on his coat. He goes to the storeroom to repair the damage with gasoline, and lighting the gas he gets busy with the coat. He is called into the workroom and forgets to cover the bottle or to turn out the gas. There is an explosion so severe as to demolish the door and break the windows. Pandemonium reigns supreme; the terrified girls rushing madly for the stairway. The windows seem the only means of escape, since the elevator shaft and stairway are enveloped in flames, and one girl after another drops to serious injury or certain death. Betty finds a rope, and here Herbert shows his yellow streak by grabbing it from her and rushing to the window to save himself. Tom's engine house gets the first alarm, his mind full of Betty and bent upon saving her if possible, his ladder is the first to be raised. The fire rages fast and furious. Finally Betty sees him, and rushing to him he carries her down the ladder to safety. The next day Herbert who has escaped unharmed, comes to Betty's home to offer apologies for his unfeeling and mad haste to save himself, and is met by the hero Tom, who makes no ceremony of throwing him out.

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Summary Details
GenresShort Thriller
Francis Boggs Director
William Nicholas Selig Producer
Herbert Rawlinson
Betty Harte
Tom Santschi
George Hernandez