How Algy Captured a Wild Man (1911)

Phillip Stoddard and his friend, Teddy Windleigh, two wealthy New Yorkers, are acting as hosts to their sweethearts on a yachting cruise through the South Seas. One of the party, Algy Montmorency, an English fop and braggart, makes himself pretty solid with the girls by constantly telling of his wonderful exploits with a gun. While passing an uninhabited Island, later named Santa Cruz, they decide to go ashore and hunt goats. Algy protests, but is finally persuaded to join the party. They have only been ashore a short time, when Algy and the girls, who have become separated from the rest of the party, are frightened almost to death by the sudden appearance in their midst of a wild-eyed, long-haired, skin-clothed man of gigantic size. He had jumped from a ledge of rock above them. Algy, who has been telling the girls of his great deeds, gives one horrified glance at the wild man, and runs for his life. The girls thus deserted, run in the opposite direction. The wild man hesitates a moment, then dashes after Algy. The wild man has almost succeeded in capturing Algy, when he is interrupted by the others and Algy is rescued. With the aid of ropes, the wild man is later captured and brought on board ship. The following day he gains possession of a knife and cutting his bonds, he grabs Algy and diving overboard swims to shore with the terror stricken Englishman. Reaching shore the wild man carries Algy, who has fainted, to a cave and calmly sets about amusing himself by making Algy change clothes with him. He rakes the braggart's revolver away from him and in examining it accidentally shoots himself in the foot. This gives Algy his chance to escape, which he does. The wild man follows and is captured by the rescuing party and for the second time hoisted on board the yacht. This time he is carefully guarded. Phil and the girls overhear Algy explaining with great gusto to the assembled audience how he captured the wild man of Santa Cruz. The girls are convinced of Algy's lying abilities and turn from him in disgust. Phil and Teddy forgive them and all ends happily.

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GenresComedy Short