The Gray Wolves (1911)

Frank Manley, a young broker, wins Leona Harland. A rival suitor for Leona's hand is Robert Blackford, also a broker, on the Board of Trade. Blackford's disappointment in love makes him a bitter enemy of Manley. A business situation gives him an opportunity to ruin Manley, and Blackford, supported by a clique of brokers, forces up the price of May wheat, which Manley must have to meet his contracts. A great scene shows the wheat pit in the Board of Trade, with busy brokers almost crazed with excitement as the prices go up, due to the bids of Blackford and his followers. Manley is wrecked financially, mentally and physically. By his physician's advice, Manley goes with a friend into the north woods for a rest. Separated from his friend, Manley is pursued by a pack of wolves and seeks refuge in a hunter's cabin. The wolves jump through the window and attack Manley. Without a weapon, Manley fights the fierce animals and drives them away. His friend finds him exhausted. Manley, inspired by his awful experience, goes back to the city, re-enters the wheat pit, and wins what he has lost.

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GenresDrama Short