The Blazed Trail (1910)

Again he had been refused, and this time George Martins knew it was final. If only Nellie could have trusted him, the cowboy felt sure it would make another man of him; that he could turn over a new page, so even Nellie Arnold would be proud of him. These gloomy thoughts gave him no excuse for beating his horse, at least so thought the girl's brother, Frank, who at once took the disappointed suitor to task. The result was a quarrel, which might have ended rather seriously for George had Nellie not interfered and sent her brother about his business, while the cowboy rode away, and thence out of the state. A year passed. Nellie in the meantime had married Jack Saunders and gone with him to his father's ranch, not far from where George Martins had settled. George follows Saunders from a bank and stealing from the house a large sum of money rides rapidly away. It was this very speed that attracted the attention of Nellie as she rode up to find her husband's parents in wild consternation at the theft. A bag of oats, however, gave her an idea. Her pony, she felt sure, would be able to keep the stranger in sight, and by blazing each turn of the road with oats, the boys could easily follow, capture the thief and get back her husband's money, so, snatching up the oats, she darted after him. Ere the third turn in the road was reached, however, George had observed that he was being followed. Dismounting behind the bushes, he held his gun in readiness for his pursuer, but, as she dashed up, he was dumbfounded to behold his old sweetheart. Quickly Nellie told him of her marriage to Jack Saunders, and implored him for his own sake to give her the money, so she might save him from the posse by blazing his way back to the ranch. Humbly and gratefully he complied with her request and hastened off in the opposite direction, while Nellie, true to her promise, led the boys back to their starting point, where, by showing her husband the recovered money, she prevailed upon him to abandon further pursuit.

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GenresShort Western