Tony and the Stork (1911)

Tony, a young married Italian, finds his purse depleted and hunts in vain for a job. He talks imperfect English and that is a handicap as well as his ignorance of the work he seeks. After many trials, to return home almost distracted, he accosts an agent who is hiring men to work on the construction of a railroad many miles from his home town. Tony insists that he be given work and is finally taken on. He runs to his home to convey the glad tidings to his wife, who is overjoyed at the prospect. Tony packs his belongings in a bag and joins the gang. The story reverts to his employment and he receives a letter, informing him that his wife is an inmate of a hospital and that he is a father. The Italian is wild with glee and draws his wages and hastens home. Arriving, he starts for the hospital all expectation. On the way he childishly invests a goodly portion of his savings in a baby carriage, a doll and other toys to carry to his child. When he reaches the hospital, he rushes in and begs to see his wife. He announces his name and the kind-hearted nurse sorrowfully takes him to the superintendent. Tony, hat in hand. is ushered in and the man in charge reluctantly tells him his wife has died during an operation. He is wild with grief and throttles the superintendent in his agony. When he has calmed down he begs to look upon the dead form. He is taken to the sheeted figure and gives one look. It is not his wife, a mistake in the name being responsible for his temporary grief. Tony dances about in the exuberance of his joy and is impatient to see his wife. She enters with a baby, and he is beside himself with joy, but he is further surprised when another baby is brought and he is told he is the father of twins. Then he explodes with merriment and gazes at his perambulator, which has a carrying capacity of but one. The story closes with Tony happy in the possession of two bouncing babies, trying to embrace his whole family at one and the same time.

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GenresComedy Short