Range Pals (1911)

Like the story of Damon and Pythias of old, there existed between these two men a friendship absolutely devoid of selfishness. The two boys decide to celebrate by a trip to town. Upon their arrival they round up their friends, and it is not long before Steve is intoxicated. Steve's pistol goes off accidentally, hitting a cattleman, who falls backward over the faro table. Steve dashes out, mounts his horse and rides away. A few miles of fresh air bring him to a realization of what he has done, and he is heartily repentant. Thinking of poor Dave there alone, he determines to return and give himself up. Back at town excitement reigns supreme, and a vigilance committee was forming to go in pursuit of Steve when he rode up. They took him in charge, and after a speedy trial, he is sentenced to be hanged at four in the morning, thus giving him just four hours' grace. Asking for time to go and see his mother, Dave offers to stay as bond for his return, and he goes off on his sad errand. His devoted little Indian boy, who has been watching for his return, hears the awful news and determines to save him. There seems but one thing to do: kill the horse, thus making it impossible for him to return in time. So, quietly leading the horse up the hill, the boy then hid behind some rocks, fired. Making sure that the horse was dead, he stole to the corral and turned the rest loose. Leaving his poor mother in a fainting condition, Steve realizes that he is twelve miles away, with only an hour and a half in which to make it and save the life of his waiting friend. He starts on a run. When the fatal hour arrives, the vigilance committee returns to the waiting place, and not finding Steve, they take Dave and lead him to the tree selected. Steve has had a desperate time of it, and just at this time comes staggering up, shouting for them to wait. Then the unexpected happens and a messenger arrives with word from the doctor that the man who was shot would recover. Needless to add, the friends lose no time in getting to the mother with the joyful news.

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GenresShort Western