A Novel Experiment (1911)

John Smith, a successful young novelist, disguises himself as a tramp in order to study tramp life as it really is. In the course of his adventures he finds Harry Arnold, a young swell, dead drunk in the streets and takes Arnold to his apartment. Arnold has proposed to and has been rejected by Eleanor Carey. Recognizing in Smith a handsome and superior man despite his ragged clothes, Arnold plots to dress the supposed tramp up as a gentleman and have him court and win Eleanor, and then to disgrace the girl by exposing Smith. One look at the girl's portrait induces Smith to enter the game, which he supposes to be a joke. Eleanor and Smith fall in love with each other and are to be married. On the day of the wedding Eleanor's chum, Edith Denton, shows to Eleanor a magazine containing a portrait of Smith and an account of his tramp adventures. The happy couple have just been married when the bride's father is the receiver of a message from Arnold telling him that Smith, the bridegroom, is a worthless tramp. Consternation follows which is quelled by Eleanor who produces the portrait as proof of her husband's identity.

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GenresDrama Short