A Stranger in Camp (1915)

Archibald Bait, while visiting with an old chum in a north woods town, goes out on a big time with him and refuses to be taken home when his friend thinks he has had enough. Bait, in a struggle, to free himself from his friend's detaining hand, strikes him down with his cane. Thinking that he has killed him, Bait flees in terror. The next morning, still running away, he meets an Indian chief in the woods. Bait, in full evening dress, is a strange object to the Indian, as is the Indian to him. Each runs from the other, badly frightened. Bait comes to a lumber camp and seeks rest. The boss is in love with his foreman's daughter and the cook is extremely jealous, and on seeing them making love, faints and falls under the table. Dinner time comes and the cook is missing. Bait is made the cook. A sheriff arrives during dinner and talks of the escape of a convict murderer. Bait thinks he means him and hides in the girl's room, frightening her. She shouts for help. The boss runs in. They fight and in the struggle bump against a curtained corner. The escaped convict-murderer jumps out from his hiding place and after a struggle, escapes into the dinner hall where the lumber jacks capture and bind him. Bait returns to his cooking. The fire is low. Bait pours oil into the stove. It blows up and he is knocked down. The hands run in and find him speckled with soot. Thinking he has smallpox they run him out of the camp. He runs to town and finds his chum uninjured.

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