Tim Mahoney, the Scab (1911)

The Labor Union decides to call a strike, after it has listened to a strong argument from Tim Mahoney as to the advisability of favoring the movement. A strike is declared. A delegation of the strikers meets with the Board of Directors of the works; no settlement is reached and the men choose idleness rather than to give in to their employers. In many instances the families of the workmen feel the pinch of poverty very keenly, none more so than Tim Mahoney's wife and children, who feel the bite of penury and suffer pangs of hunger until Mrs. Mahoney can endure their pleadings no longer. She has one unpawned possession, her wedding ring, and this she sacrifices for the sake of the little ones for whom she is responsible. Tim makes a solemn vow to give up the Labor Union rather than cause his little family to suffer. He goes back to the works and secures his old job and starts in again to care for those who are dependent upon him. It is not long after Tim has gone back to work that the strike is broken and all the men return to their different occupations in the works. The factory is running when a fire breaks out in its midst and before some of the men can escape they find themselves overcome and hemmed in by the flames. Tim sees the danger of his fellow laborers, rushes into the burning building and rescues one after the other, then goes back to save his greatest enemy. Lifting him in his arms, he ties a rope around his body and lowers him safely to the ground, falls back into the furnace-like heat and smoke and dies a hero for the sake of his fellow men. His family are fatherless and those who had reviled him and rebuked him now hand their heads in shame when they see the innocent ones for whom he so nobly left their union and compare themselves with the hero and think of the sacrifice which he made for those who had despised him. The union calls a special meeting in commemoration of Tim's death, eulogizes him and replaces with pride his name upon the books of their organization.

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GenresDrama Short
Flora Finch