The Swag of Destiny (1913)

Flinty McNeal, a crook, receives a letter from his sweetheart, pleading with him to abandon his crooked life, marry her, and settle down on a little chicken farm near Dayton, her uncle having died and left her some money. McNeal is about to turn over a new leaf and start on the straight road, when he sees a man pick up a pocketbook from the sidewalk filled with money. The old desire to "get it" comes over him, and he follows the man to his home. That night while Jim Dorgan, the finder of the pocketbook, and his wife are sleeping under the influence of liquor, McNeal steals quietly into the house. His plan is interrupted for the time being by the crying of two infants. Mrs. Dorgan arises from the big armchair, enters the sleeping chamber and rocks the baby to sleep. She then falls into a heavy slumber, McNeal enters the room in which Mr. Dorgan is asleep, takes the pocketbook from the table, steals cautiously back into the bedroom, kidnaps one of the babies, and leaves. He takes the infant to his sweetheart's home where he promises to travel the straight and narrow path. The girl falls desperately in love with the baby, although aware of the fact that Flinty had stolen it. Some time later McNeal discovers the home he had robbed of the baby was nothing more or less than a baby farm, which had been raided a few days after his notable theft. Mr. and Mrs. Dorgan were sent to jail. Flinty and his sweetheart, now married, happy on the farm, leading a pure and simple life, promise themselves to make the child's future a happy one.

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GenresDrama Short