Hungry Hearts; or, the Children of Social Favorites (1911)

Dick and Elsie, hunger for the love of their parents, who leave them night after night without imparting even as much as a kiss of motherly and fatherly affection. Cogitating their lonely condition, they observe in the opposite house, the attention bestowed on a sick child by its parents. Immediately they plan to feign sickness. After being put to bed that evening, they are seized with what appears to be severe pains. The family physician sends a message to their parents telling them that their presence is needed instantly by the children. This alarms the parents, and they at once return home and he advises them to send for a specialist, who comes without delay and discovers that the children are suffering with heart hunger for the love of their parents. The family doctor tells Mr. and Mrs. Warren that they alone can cure the ailment of their children, by bestowing their love upon them. Ashamed of themselves, Mr. and Mrs. Warren then and there begin to follow the advice of the old doctor, and readily the children respond to their tender and loving treatment.

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GenresDrama Family Short