The Gum Man (1913)

Mr. I.R. Right, commercial traveler for the Celebrated Chewing Gum Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., arrives in the town of Stickenville, with his samples. He enters the Grand Hotel across from the post office, registers and goes to his room. The proprietor's daughter, Mary, brings up some ice water for the whirlwind salesman. Mr. Right endeavors to speak to the lady, but is given a cold look for his trouble. That night at the Town Hall the "natives" of the village, give a box party. Mr. I.R. Right, having nothing on his mind but pleasure, purchases a ticket and goes to the "big doings." Boxes filled with lunch and delicacies are raffled off. The notable representative of the House of Gum defeats his rival, Hiram Bartlett, in purchasing a beautiful box of lunch. Inside the cover he finds a card with Mary Morgan's name on it, meaning that she is to be the salesman's partner. The two become infatuated over each other's personalities, so much so in fact that they fall in love and decide to be married immediately. Hiram, becoming jealous, provokes a quarrel, which breaks up the happy party. Not satisfied with spoiling everybody's entertainment, Hiram informs Mary's father of the proposed elopement. The young couple return to the hotel where they pack up their belongings. Mary's father enters the room and is rudely pushed into a chair, which has been plastered with gum. The young couple leave the hotel in a hurry, proceed to the justice of peace's office and are married. Old father Morgan, still glued to the chair, and carrying the aforesaid piece of furniture with him to the marriage mill, is overwhelmed when informed of the ceremony. Stuck to his job, he sinks weakly into the chair.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Short
Howard Missimer
Augustus Carney
Beverly Bayne
John Steppling