The Rushin' Dancers (1917)

Prof. Wiggle N. Squirm has opened a dancing school for "women only" in Cactus Flat, and the men begin to realize that it is not only taking all their money to pay for the lessons, but that their wives are neglecting their husbands and homes. The men get together and decide to go down to the town hall and break up the class, but when they get there they lose their nerve and retire to the town pump to discuss the situation. They hit upon the idea of making up one of their number to imitate a lady dancing teacher and start a fake dancing school of their own to make the women of the village jealous. They go to the hotel, and the proprietor, Hiram Roomrent, remembers that he has a trunk that a theatrical troupe has left for a board bill. The trunk is opened, and a lot of costumes are found. Bill Sellers is picked out to put on the wig, corsets and dress and imitate the female dancing teacher. The others don various costumes for their dancing lessons, and all repair to a secluded spot, later taking pains to let the women know of the new "class." The women get together and plan to break up the "class" and run the "female teacher" out of town. Two of them ring the fire bell, calling the men to the fire hall, and the others capture Bill, who is now made up as Mile. De Phoney. Just as he is in danger of being horsewhipped and tarred and feathered the men return and rescue him, and Prof. Wiggle N. Squirm is run out of town, leaving the inhabitants once more at peace with one another.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Short