Trouble Bubbles (1920)

Billy, a police-officer falling asleep on the job, is stripped of his uniform and thrown on the street. But he lands on a police sergeant whose uniform he takes and then puts him self on duty as a traffic cop. He captures a home brewer with his brew. He is almost rewarded by the chief, but a lieutenant who bears him a grudge tells the chief he saw Billy flirting with his (the chief's) daughter. But the chief's daughter says it was the lieutenant and not Billy and as a result Billy is made a lieutenant. The home brewer calls up a lot of dancing girls, and they do all sorts of damage to the chief's office when they dance with Billy. Billy had arrested the chief's wife for drinking a bottle of perfume and during the dancing, she gets out of her cell, gets a bottle of the home brew, becomes intoxicated, joins the dance, and when the chief comes back after the girls have left, he and Billy have no end of a time reviving her from a faint. A band of home brewers kidnaps the chief's daughter as reprisal, but Billy sets boldly forth and gets her back. The home brewers arrive at the station and are just about to get away with "the good old stuff" when Billy comes on the scene with the daughter and locks them all up. The chief rewards Billy by giving him his daughter's hand, in marriage.

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GenresComedy Short