The Fascinating Eye (1914)

Can a clerk be honest who lives on Limburger and onions alone? Some may, but Willy Walrus cannot. He steals a pile of money from his boss and in the wild exuberance of his easy-got wealth the first thing he does is to get a clean collar from the laundry. At the sweat shop he displays his wealth and meets his Waterloo, whose Christian name is Bess. She believes him to be a millionaire. Willy is overcome and hurries away to get a minister. In the meantime the office boy, who is studying to be a detective, having seen Willy rob the safe, concludes that a robbery has been committed. He follows the scent of the Limburger to the sweat shop. Like Willy, he falls for Bess and goes for a minister. About this time Willy's conscience begins to bother him and he returns the stolen money. The ceremony is started when the office boy arrives and claims Bess. The second ceremony no sooner begins than Willy turns up with his minister and claims Bess. At this point the boss arrives and accuses Willy of theft. Willy proves his innocence. The boss shows Bess that he alone has money and she marries him.

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GenresComedy Short