An Episode (1914)

Juan, a rich ranchman, loves Carita, the daughter of a neighboring farmer. After courting her for some time she comes to love him. Betty, in whose veins flow none of the hot Spanish blood, is something of an adventuress and she concludes that she will marry Juan for his money. While she is planning to charm him, she likewise falls in love with him. Betty now begins the intrigue to the end of breaking up the match between Juan and Carita. Carlos, Juan's foreman, is in love with Betty and he proves a willing tool in her hands. Carlos hires a Mexican to hide himself in Carita's room that night with full instructions in what manner to proceed. At midnight Carlos leads Juan to a position from which Carita's window is in plain view. Juan sees the figure of a man emerge from his sweetheart's bedroom. Juan informs Carita the following day that he no longer desires to marry her. Her pride outraged, she leaves Juan forever. And Betty. Juan meets her once again and scorns her as if she were a viper.

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GenresDrama Romance Short