Evan's Lucky Day (1915)

George Evans, a young man of fair attainments, but not yet overburdened with this world's goods, asks Mr. Collins' permission to marry his daughter, Sue. Collins tells him that he may have the young lady, provided she doesn't object, if he returns at 2 p.m. with two hundred dollars in cash. In the café, whither goes George for the kind of inspiration which works best with him, a good, square meal, he sees a man who is the double of himself. This gentleman, who is enjoying the company of a lady friend, has his dinner rudely interrupted by the appearance of his angry wife. The proprietor and waiters are obliged to conduct the lady to the parlor to quiet her, and the husband, pressing George with the offer of a goodly sum to take his place, makes his escape. The wife breaks loose and descends upon George, whom she reviles mercilessly, until he reveals her mistake. Out of the dismayed wife, he gathers enough redress money to complete the two hundred. Then hurrying to the Collins', he hands him the wager, just as the clock strikes twice.

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GenresComedy Drama Short