The Knight Before Christmas (1914)

Before leaving to spend Christmas at his Aunt Kate's, Daddy Jim gives Sonny a dollar and tells him to buy whatever he most desires for himself. Arrived at Auntie's, he is immediately initiated into the new game, "Santa Claus," by the five "imps," Aunt Kate's children. She prevents an incipient quarrel by reciting "The Night Before Christmas," then she tells them about the knights of old, and Sonny learns for the first time that a knight is one who always helps damsels in distress. Being pacified, and their minds dwelling upon Aunt Kate's recitals, they all go quietly to bed. Next day, while Christmas shopping, Sonny strolls away and gets lost in a big department store. He wanders out into the street, where he meets little Annie O'Reilly, who promptly leads the sobbing boy home, saying she will find his Auntie. Sonny is rather frightened at the squalid aspect of the tenement where the O'Reillys live, but finding Annie has no money to buy Christmas presents, he remembers what Auntie had said about knights, and gives the little girl his dollar, which he had intended to buy a little baby brother with. He is taken to the police station, where Aunt Kate finds him, and there is great rejoicing. The O'Reillys are invited to Aunt Kate's Christmas party and that night is one of anticipation for them. Christmas Day, in the midst of a general jollification, Aunt Kate receives a telegram from Daddy Jim saying there is a live present waiting at home for Sonny. Everyone is highly pleased and congratulations are in order. When Sonny gets home and sees the tiny baby, he exclaims anxiously, "Is he a Dollar Baby, Daddy Jim? He don't look like more than Five Cents' worth."

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GenresComedy Drama Short