When a Feller's Nose Is Out of Joint (1915)

When you have been the only little boy in the house, it is hard to share Daddy Jim and Mother Dear with a very new baby brother, who arrives without warning. Sonny finds it hard enough to keep quiet and mind the baby, but when Daddy devotes himself to the usurper and Mother apparently forgets Sonny's presence, he feels keenly the knife thrust of jealousy. He shows it. too, by sticking his tongue out at the baby whenever no one is looking. Mother tells Daddy how Sonny forgot to mind the baby when the street band came around, and he gravely asks him how he would feel it "Old Mr. Stork" had taken the baby brother back again. Sonny is apparently humble, but secretly decides that would provide a happy solution of his problems. In an old book he finds a picture of a stork perching on a barn with a baby wrapped in a bundle, hanging from its bill. This is right in line with his thoughts, so that night he sneaks into the nursery, wraps up the baby, and starts for the barn. Meanwhile, through the maid's carelessness, the nursery room catches fire and when Daddy and Mother, aroused by some passerby, attempt to climb the stairs, they are driven back by a burst of flame. Sonny, at the back of the house, hears the fire engines, and runs around to the front, still carrying the baby. While the men are frantically trying to restrain Daddy from rushing up the stairs, Sonny steps up behind him and shouts. With a cry of joy all turn and make a rush for the little fellow, showering caresses on him. The baby is discovered safe and sound and Sonny finds himself the hero of the hour.

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GenresComedy Drama Short