Hope Foster's Mother (1914)

Urged on by the desire to give her mother some of the luxuries of life. Hope Foster, an actress, rather timidly asks her manager for a more important role in their next production. He waives her aside, but her sincerity makes a favorable impression. Consequently, when the leading lady's artistic temperament, or plain temper, "starts things," the manager gives Hope the leading part in the new play. She is greeted affectionately by the dear old lady who rejoices in her daughter's good fortune. Mrs. Foster, although keeping it from her daughter, is on the verge of a serious illness. That night, without awakening Hope, she calls the doctor, who insists she get a trained nurse at once. Next morning Hope insists on nursing her mother herself, but Mrs. Foster will not hear of it, as that night is the opening night of the play. Hope at last gives in. The first act goes rather poorly, because of Hope's wrought-up condition. Before the second act she calls up her mother, who speaks so hopefully the girl goes back to her part in the play with a light heart. At the very moment her daughter is receiving a tremendous applause for her superb acting, her mother suffers a relapse. When she arrives home the nurse tells Hope the crisis has come. She kneels by the bedside and in a beautiful vision the sobbing girl seems to see her mother standing on the brow of a steep hill, beyond which can be seen the Eternal City. Then, her Mother-Love calling irresistibly, she turns and comes back. Hope raises her head and sees Mrs. Foster stir slightly. The nurse quickly admits the doctor, who announces that Mrs. Foster has, by some apparent miracle, safely passed the crisis.

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GenresDrama Short