Following the Star (1912)

Helen Winthrop has ambition for the stage and when, during his summer sojourn at her home town, she is introduced to De la Marre, a popular star and dramatic favorite, she is elated and asks him to give her a part in one of his plays. He consents and from that moment she becomes restless, and longs to shake the dust of her village home from her feet. Her old sweetheart, John Tobin, is no longer in her class and receives a very cold goodbye when she leaves to shine in the limelight. The following season in New York City, she makes her first appearance upon the stage. Being a novice, she is struck with stage fright and makes a dismal failure. She takes it to heart and worries over it so much, she is taken seriously ill. Mr. De la Marre hearing of her sickness, takes her from the boarding house at which she is living, to his home where she is cared for and nursed back to health by his mother. Helen is grateful and her admiration for De la Marre is increased, and she has a feeling for him akin to love which she hopes he may reciprocate, and it is not until she learns that he is engaged to another that her foolish hopes are dispelled and she is only too anxious to return to her home and her parents and to acknowledge to them and to John that she is willing and ready to be plain Helen Winthrop or Mrs. Tobin, if John still feels disposed to make her so.

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Summary Details
Running Time11 min
GenresDrama Short
Edith Storey
Harry T. Morey
Charles Eldridge
Mrs. B.F. Clinton