Love Hath Wrought a Miracle (1913)

Paralyzed from injuries received in a polo match, athletic and handsome George Fairchild is jilted by his fiancée. This heartless treatment because of his misfortune makes him a woman-hater. Next door to his home is a children's school, kept by two sisters. Miss Rose, the younger, devotes much of her time to a little crippled pupil. Her devotion in the child touches the heart of George. He becomes acquainted with her and she often spends a pleasant hour with him. One night, gazing out of his library window, he discovers the school on fire. He tries to arouse his valet and finds him in a drunken stupor. His first thought is of Rose. Forgetting his own heretofore helpless condition, before he realizes it, he is on his way to her rescue. He rushes into the building and taking the crippled child from Rose's arms, brings it to safety. He is about to return into the building for Rose, hut is prevented by the firemen, who save her. Love hath wrought a miracle, George Fairchild, well and strong again, asks Rose to become mistress of the Fairchild Estate.

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GenresDrama Romance Short