The Gods Redeem (1915)

Having drunk deeply of the dregs of life, and tired of its many troubles, Slippery Tom and Nell, the Pickpocket, both strangers to each other, decide life is no longer worth living. Fate takes them to a high bridge at almost the same time, and Tom sees Nell take the fatal leap. He dives after her with the determination of saving her life, if possible. After a struggle with the girl in the water he succeeds in bringing her to shore, and there each learns the other's story. Old Blind Jim, a blind man, meets them and at his suggestion that they throw off the old life and go to the country, Nell gladly consents to go with Tom. In the country Nell nurses a smallpox patient, and Tom goes away, after kissing her goodbye and declaring his love for her, promising to return when he has made good and claim her. A year passes and both have become respected and well beloved by everyone, but it is five long years before Tom feels he has "made good" sufficiently to claim Nell for his wife. But their meeting and reunion more than repays both for their long separation, and Tom, now a successful physician, at once makes Nell his wife.

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GenresDrama Short