Love and Trouble (1915)

Sweedie holds a clandestine meeting with her beau in the kitchen of her employers, a young married couple. Her love affair influences her cooking and the bread she serves that evening is a little harder than granite. The young husband loses his temper and Sweedie loses her job. A flying bit of paper catches her attention and she picks it up. It is an invitation to a soiree in one of the most exclusive homes in town. Sweedie and her beau borrow her former employers' finery and appear at the reception. A suspicious butler is reassured by their card and they shake hands with the hostess and stop at the punch bowl. The punch has strength and it influences but two social climbers. They jump in a fountain and throw water on each other. The former mistress appears and calls the police. Sweedie and her sweetheart run for it, using bicycles and a rope attached to a speedy automobile. But finally they are caught and lodged in jail.

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GenresComedy Short